Available Dogs | VOLUNTEER/ Donate | Adopt | FOSTER |
Foxhound / Labrador Retriever / Mixed (medium coat) : : Male : : Young : : Large
Learn more about the Labrador Retriever. Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about him.
Meet Charlie! He is a super sweet and incredibly handsome Labrador Foxhound mix puppy. Charlie's estimated DOB is March 2023. He is neutered, vaccinated and current on heartworm preventative. His current weight (June 15, 2023) is 30#. Charlie will likely weigh 50+ pounds when he is full grown. Charlie is now ready to find his very own loving family. Charlie is good with other dogs and is good with cats as well! He is also good with children and adults. Charlie is working on basic commands and has mastered "sit" and "down" so far. Charlie is a super sweet boy who will make a wonderful companion, loyal best friend and guardian. This is a courtesy listing. This dog is currently adoptable but is not a part of or associated with National Anatolian Shepherd Rescue Network (NASRN), including NASRN’s adoption and/or fostering programs. The information listed for each animal was provided by individual caregivers and was not generated or verified by NASRN. NASRN makes no representations related to these animals . As with all adoptions, NASRN encourages potential adopters to gain as much information as possible before adopting these animals , including but not limited to temperament testing, consultation with a trainer, and consultation with a veterinarian. More about KANSAS, KANSAS CITY; "CHARLIE"Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Requires a yard Other Pictures of KANSAS, KANSAS CITY; "CHARLIE" (click to see larger version):